Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My mission.

The moment finally came, when my then-was boyfriend got down on his knee, and "popped the question". Fast forward to the next morning, when the wheels start spinning in my head, because finally, I can begin the planning of my wedding. I've dreamed of my wedding day for a long time. The one thing that I am sure of right away; I want something elegant and formal. Anyone who has planned a wedding, knows that usually "elegant and formal" translates to expensive. That's where I'm going to have to get creative, because I am a FRUGAL BRIDE. Of course I want that beautiful designer ball gown, but I'm certainly not prepared to pay $2,000.00 for it! So, dear readers (if there are any of you out there), that is my mission. To plan an elegant and formal wedding without breaking the bank. I will bring you along for the ride; share my ideas, tell you about my successes, and my miserable failures. I hope you have fun, and who knows, maybe some other frugal brides out there will get an idea or two.

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